
  • Laying the Groundwork: How Nebraska Farmers Prepare for Planting Corn

    Planting season is a critical time for Nebraska's corn farmers, laying the foundation for the rest of the growing season. Thorough preparation is the key to successfully planting corn. It involves extensive work — from preparing the soil to fine-tuning equipment — but it's an essential part of the corn-growing process. [...]

  • Laying the Groundwork: How Nebraska Farmers Prepare for Planting Corn

    Planting season is a critical time for Nebraska's corn farmers, laying the foundation for the rest of the growing season. Thorough preparation is the key to successfully planting corn. It involves extensive work — from [...]

  • Agriculture In the Classroom: Connecting Nebraska Students with Agriculture

    In today’s world, many students have little to no direct connection to agriculture, even though they eat and use a wide variety of agricultural products every day. Even those who live in cities and towns [...]

  • Corn’s Essential Role in Producing Meat, Eggs and Cheese

    When thinking of corn's impact on the U.S. food system, it's easy to picture corn on the cob and products made from corn like corn bread or tortilla chips. However, corn also plays a [...]

  • A Field of Opportunity: U.S. Carbon Markets Explained

    Agricultural carbon markets are a way for corn farmers to combat climate change while potentially unlocking new revenue streams. These markets allow farmers to earn carbon credits using climate-friendly sustainable farming methods—such as no-till [...]

  • What Is No-Till Farming and What Are the Advantages?

    Nebraska's corn farmers use many strategies to raise abundant crops while also protecting the environment. One of these sustainable farming practices is to use no-till farming methods. Sometimes called zero tillage farming, no-till farming [...]

  • Working Hard While Fields Rest: What Farmers Do in the Winter

    Farmers work long hours during harvest, racing to get their crop out of the fields and to market or storage before winter. Even though it's a relief to get through harvest, farmers don't take the [...]

  • Nebraska Livestock: The Most Common Farm Animals Raised in the State

    Nebraska is one of the leading corn producers in the country, ranking third in corn production and second in the manufacturing of ethanol, a biofuel made from corn. However, corn also fuels the state's thriving [...]

  • How the Nebraska Corn Checkoff Program Supports Local Farmers

    Real change happens when people unite for a common goal. By working together, we can create a stronger collective impact. Nebraska corn farmers do just that with the Nebraska corn checkoff program,  which creates [...]

  • The Benefits of Cover Crops for Corn Farmers

    A growing number of Nebraska corn farmers are embracing the power of cover crops. By growing cover crops after their corn is harvested, farmers use living plants to reduce soil erosion, promote healthy soil [...]

  • Equipment for Corn Farming: From Planting to Harvest

    Nebraska corn farmers use a range of specialized equipment to grow their crops and care for the land. Tractors equipped with GPS technology enable precise planting and field mapping, ensuring efficient use of resources. [...]

  • How Farmers Care for Cornfields After Harvest

    Harvest is one of the busiest times of year for Nebraska corn farmers, but the days and weeks after harvest are a critically important part of growing corn. Once the corn is harvested from [...]

  • Where Can Corn Go After Harvest

    Corn harvest is a busy time in Nebraska. Combines roll up and down the fields, emptying load after load of golden kernels into a waiting truck or grain cart. Then, the freshly harvested kernels [...]

  • How Do Farmers Know When to Harvest Corn?  

    For much of the year, corn leaves are a brilliant green color.  Sunshine, water and nutrients grow the kernels to be used for food, fuel and everyday products. However, as the summer turns into [...]

  • A Guide to Agricultural Internships: Hands-On Knowledge for Your Career

    The Nebraska Corn Board, now in its 34th year of sponsoring agricultural internships, is committed to educating the next generation of agricultural leaders. These paid internships, offered in partnership with key industry leader organizations, [...]

  • Unleaded 88 (E15 Gas) Guide: Your FAQs Answered

    Everyone is trying to make good choices these days. When it comes to filling your tank at the pump, Unleaded 88 stands out as the smart choice for your wallet and your car! Also [...]

  • 10 Surprising Products Made from Corn (Part 2)

    Corn's versatility never ceases to amaze! Corn truly is the plant that can change the planet! From the tech industry to earth-friendly plastics, corn derivatives play a crucial role in our daily lives. We [...]

  • Field Corn and Sweet Corn: Corn for Cattle vs Humans

    When it comes to corn, many people are familiar with sweet corn, the delicious variety enjoyed fresh on the cob or in salads. However, the most plentiful kind of corn in the world is [...]

  • Corn Irrigation: Providing Responsible, Sustainable Growth for Nebraska Crops

    Irrigation is crucial for Nebraska's agricultural economy, providing corn and other crops water in a sustainable manner that protects the state's water supplies. Modern irrigation systems in Nebraska allow farmers to precisely water their [...]

  • Trade Missions: Reaching Global Corn Customers, Strengthening Partnerships

    Cultivating relationships is key to successfully marketing any product. In today's economy, that often means going global. The Nebraska Corn Board connects farmers with customers around the world through international trade missions. During these [...]

  • Proud Heritage: A Family’s History of Corn Farming in Nebraska

    Family farms are the foundation of the agriculture industry and local communities around the world. The vast majority of farms in Nebraska are family owned and operated. Often, the same family has been farming [...]

  • A Guide to Ethanol Gas Blends at the Pump

    May is Nebraska Renewable Fuels Month, so it's a great time to learn more about the ethanol fuel options at the local gas station. Use this guide and video to discover what these ethanol [...]

  • Learn the Parts of a Corn Plant and What They Do

    The corn plant is a feat of natural engineering. It’s constructed of a variety of features that contribute to the plant’s growth, strength and productivity. From the stalk that serves as the plant’s backbone [...]

  • Corn Farming: How Smart Farming Is Sustainable Farming

    Sustainability is at the heart of modern agriculture and key to promoting responsible stewardship of natural resources to ensure the long-term viability of Nebraska’s family farms.One of the ways Nebraska’s corn farmers increase sustainability is [...]

  • Why April and May Are the Best Times to Plant Corn

    Along with harvesting, planting is one of the most important times of year for corn farmers. It sounds simple: prepare the field for planting and then put the seeds in the ground. However, deciding [...]

  • Top Four Medical and Pharmaceutical Uses for Corn

    Corn is a versatile crop that finds numerous applications as food, fuel and feed. However, corn also has important uses in medicine. While health care may not immediately come to mind when people think [...]

  • How Strategic Partnerships Benefit Nebraska Corn Farmers

    The world is more interconnected than ever, and that’s especially true when it comes to corn farming and other forms of agriculture. By joining together with like-minded individuals and associations, the Nebraska Corn Board [...]

  • Corn-Based Ethanol Is the Clean Fuel for the Future  

    When you stop at the gas station to top off your tank, how much thought do you put in to choosing the fuel that’s right for your car? For your wallet? For the environment? [...]

  • Impacts to Corn Farming in Nebraska in 2024

    Each year, corn farmers in Nebraska and around the world face a multitude of factors that impact the cost of producing corn and the price they receive when selling their crop. Farmers take these [...]

  • Seed to Stores: Tracing Food Production and Buying Local

    In a world where we are more connected than ever, there’s a growing movement among consumers to know more about where food comes from. Amid this growing desire for transparency and sustainability, the idea [...]

  • How Corn Is Used Domestically and Internationally

    Corn grown in Nebraska and other states has important uses in the United States and around the world. Corn is a major force in local and global markets, playing a vital role in countless [...]

  • Five Surprising Benefits of GMOs

    In an ever-growing world with a continuously increasing population, farmers face the immense challenge of meeting the rising demand for food. Even more difficult, they must grow nutritious, tasty food — that sells for [...]

  • Five Ways Corn Is Used in Nebraska

    Nebraska is one of the top corn-producing states in the nation. In 2022, Nebraska corn farmers harvested more than 1.46 BILLION bushels. That’s a lot of corn! What happens to all that corn? How [...]

  • Why California Is Among the Top Markets for Nebraska Ethanol

    Biofuels like ethanol are the future of carbon-reducing, renewable energy solutions for our cars, trucks and sport-utility vehicles. Nowhere is the demand greater for ethanol than in the state of California. The ethanol Californians [...]

  • The Average Age of Corn Farmers Is Increasing – How Does This Affect the Next Generation?

    As the current farming population ages, there is a growing need to attract and train the next generation to ensure the future sustainability of the agricultural industry. The average age of  in the United [...]

  • Six Facts You Didn’t Know About Nebraska’s Corn Harvest

    The corn harvest is moving along in Nebraska, and it won’t be long before piles of golden kernels are safely stored away and the fields are empty. But getting to that point takes a [...]

  • Why There Are Hormones in Fruits, Vegetables and Beef

    Wait a minute. There are hormones in carrots and corn? Corn. Carrots. Pigs. Dogs. Cats. Humans. They all depend on hormones to grow and function. Hormones occur naturally in every living thing, acting as [...]

  • Why Farmers Use Pesticides and Herbicides

    Modern agriculture employs a wide array of tools and techniques to cultivate healthy and robust corn, soybeans and other crops. This includes sophisticated GPS-guided machinery for precision planting, innovative irrigation systems to provide crops [...]

  • 11 In-Demand Careers in Agriculture Besides Farming

    When many people think about jobs related to corn, they immediately think of the men and women who grow and harvest the crop. While that makes sense—corn farmers are at the core of the industry—the [...]

  • What’s the Difference Between Dry Land Corn and Irrigated Corn?

    Worrying about the weather and scanning the skies for any possible sign of rain consumes the days—and sometimes, nights—of many farmers across the country. Corn and other crops need water to grow. In many [...]

  • E85 vs E15: What’s the Difference?

    As environmental awareness grows, consumers' preferences are increasingly shifting towards sustainable and eco-friendly products. This trend is also evident in the fuel industry. More and more consumers are searching for alternative biofuels like E15 [...]

  • Why Your Frito-Lay Corn Chips Are More Local Than You Think

    Did you know that you can trace your bag of Frito-Lay corn chips back to a Nebraska family farm? At first glance, Gothenburg doesn’t appear to be much different from many other rural Nebraska [...]

  • Is Corn a Vegetable or Starch? Your Top 3 Corn Questions, Answered

    If ever there were a season for corn, it would be summer. The fields are a brilliant green, the corn plants are starting to get tall and sweet corn is inching closer to maturity [...]

  • Unleaded 88 vs Super Unleaded: What’s the Difference?

    Two common fuels available at service stations around the country are Unleaded 88 and Super Unleaded. Both of these ethanol blends are excellent fuel sources that also are beneficial to the environment, but they [...]

  • Six Surprising Health Benefits of Corn

    Corn is nutrient-dense food that contains many surprising health benefits.     That’s because corn contains many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition to being a rich source of carbohydrates and fiber, corn also contains [...]

  • Your 10 Biggest Questions About Corn Farming Answered

    1. Why do farmers detassel corn? Each corn plant has a spikey top filled with pollen called a tassel. Farmers sometimes remove the tassel, a process called detasseling, from some corn plants to control [...]

  • Benefits of Corn in Beef Cattle 

    Corn farming and raising cattle go hand in hand, so it’s no surprise corn is an important part of a nutritious diet for beef cattle. Corn provides a well-balanced diet for the animals, which [...]

  • Flex Fuel: What It Is and Why It’s Good for the Environment

    Flex fuel is a clean-burning, renewable and sustainable resource that can be blended with gasoline to reduce emissions and increase fuel efficiency for your vehicle. Using flex fuel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up [...]

  • Answered: Your Top Questions about High Fructose Corn Syrup

    High fructose corn syrup has been a target of much criticism in recent years, with some suggesting that it is more dangerous than other sweeteners. However, the truth is it can be used to [...]

  • Corn and Drought: How a Lack of Rain Impacts Farmers

    Drought can have a devastating effect on the yield of corn crops. When water is scarce in an area, the soil dries out and corn plants struggle to take up enough moisture to grow [...]

  • 13 Myths and Facts about Ethanol

    Ethanol is quickly becoming the fuel of the future. It's an eco-friendly choice that helps reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, while also supporting local farmers. Ethanol is most commonly produced from corn, [...]

  • Why Farmers Feed Corn to Cattle Instead of Grass

    Cattle have been eating corn for centuries. Not only does corn provide cattle with a good balance of proteins and carbohydrates, but its high levels of essential fatty acids make it a great choice [...]

  • From Seed to Stalk: How Farmers Plant and Grow Corn

    Corn farming is a complex skill, one that benefits from a deep understanding of the land as well as adaptable planning. Farmers must understand the soil and nutrient requirements while also observing how conditions [...]

  • 11 Facts You Didn’t Know About Nebraska Corn

    Corn is a staple in diets around the world and has been a vital source for nutrition for centuries. But despite the long history of corn and how important it is, there are probably [...]

  • Why Farmers Rotate Corn and Soybeans

    For farmers, understanding and properly utilizing crop rotation is essential to having a successful agricultural operation. Crop rotation has been used for centuries but only recently have the long-term impacts of this practice become [...]

  • Why Farmers Feed Corn to Their Cattle, Pigs and Chicken

    Corn products are an integral part of people’s daily lives, both here in the United States and around the world. But did you also know it’s the foundation of diets for many livestock animals? [...]

  • Career Guide: What Corn Farmers Do and How Much They Make

    Corn farming is a rewarding career that provides a special way of life hard to find anywhere else. Farmers spend much of their time outdoors and are in tune with their land. Their job is [...]

  • All in the Family: Nebraska’s Rich Farming Heritage

    Whenever you dip a crispy tortilla chip into guacamole or dig into a pile of buttered sweet corn, it’s a moment of deliciousness made possible by corn farmers. Chances are the corn in those [...]

  • How Corn-Based Deicer Keeps Roadways Clear During Winter

    In much of the country, a blanket of snow is a welcome, picturesque site. Snow-covered hills and ice glistening on tree branches does make for a lovely photo op, but it also can make [...]

  • Why Snow Is So Important for Farmers During Drought

    For yet another year, much of the country faced hot and dry conditions during the summer. While these extended dry conditions were a hindrance or inconvenience to some, they are extremely challenging and potentially [...]

  • History of Corn: From Ancient Grain to Modern Maize

    Corn is part of the everyday lives of people around the world. It’s in the food we eat, is often found in the fuel of the cars we drive and is a component in [...]

  • 4 Surprising Ways Technology Has Transformed Farming

    Many years ago, farming was a laborious and tedious process that involved walking behind a harnessed horse or mule as it pulled a single-blade plow, furrowing one row at a time. While the agricultural [...]

  • Granular vs. Liquid Fertilizer: What’s Best for Corn Farmers

    Corn is a versatile plant that feeds the world, supplying the food that consumers across the globe know and need. However, people aren’t the only ones who need nourishment to be healthy. Corn needs [...]

  • 4 Ways Drones Are Used in Agriculture

    As the agricultural landscape continues to evolve, producers are looking for new and exciting ways to increase their yields while also conserving resources and limiting their impact on the environment. One of the ways they [...]

  • What Happens to Corn After It’s Harvested?

    Corn is a staple crop across the world, used for food ingredients, animal feed, ethanol and a wide range of other uses. But field corn, especially the field corn grown across Nebraska, typically goes through [...]

  • Smart Farming: Agriculture of the Future

    For the vast majority of people, agriculture uses technology like tractors or combines. But did you know that today’s farmers use cutting-edge technology like lasers, robotics and intelligent software? With access to these tools, farmers [...]

  • How Corn Farmers Use Multispectral Imaging in the Field

    When people think of cutting edge-technology, they tend to think of big companies like Google or Amazon in big cities. But innovative tools have their place in every industry, including rural industries like agriculture. [...]

  • You Asked, We Answered: Where All the Corn in Nebraska Goes

    Nebraska is the third largest corn-producing state in the United States. But what happens to all the corn our farmers grow? While some of it is exported internationally, much of Nebraska’s corn actually stays [...]

  • How Ethanol Reduces Greenhouse Gases

    In 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reported farmers experienced a near-record high for corn production. U.S. growers produced 15.1 billion bushels, NASS said, which is the second-highest production [...]

  • 4 Ways Farmers Protect the Environment

    Farmers, like those in Nebraska, have a vested interest in protecting the environment. They use a wide range of tools and strategies to safeguard the soil, water, air quality and more. After all, healthy [...]

  • How Corn Production’s Change Over Time Impacts Products

    From being used as a food source for Native Americans to being an integral part of many everyday products, corn's use has evolved greatly over time. The first record of corn being used as [...]

  • Five Ways Farmers Improve Sustainability

    Through advancements in technology, genetics and management, today’s farmers in Nebraska and across the country can grow more corn with less impact on the environment. That means they’re using less fertilizer, water and land [...]

  • Three Ways Corn Farmers Minimize Agriculture’s Impact on Air Pollution

    Air pollution poses a major threat to the environment and to our health. In fact, the World Health Organization says poor outdoor air quality is linked to increased risk of stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and chronic [...]

  • 10 Products You Didn’t Know Were Made with Corn

    Few crops are as versatile as corn. This humble grain can be used to make everything from tortillas to cornbread. In fact, corn is a key ingredient in many of your favorite foods. It [...]

  • 5 Ways Farmers Protect Water Quality

    As farmers grow and raise the food we eat, they also work to keep the natural environment as untouched as possible. One of the most important ways they do this is by protecting local rivers, [...]

  • How Cover Crops Improve Corn Harvest

    People unfamiliar with farming might assume that fertilizer is the only way to improve the growth and overall health of crops like corn. While fertilizer can be a useful tool, farmers are resourceful and often [...]

  • How Ethanol Keeps Gas Prices Down

    Everyone with a car, lawn mower, motorcycle or other gasoline-powered machinery is feeling the pressure at the pump. Gas prices have remained high for several weeks (or months) now and they don’t seem to [...]

  • How Farmers Keep Soil Healthy

    As more people become engaged with where their food comes from and who is growing it, a central question comes into focus: Are we doing the best we can with the resources we have? [...]

  • Water Conservation

    Q: What does it mean to “conserve water”? Denise: Conserving water means not using more water than necessary for any given purpose. For example, we use shade structures to keep our cattle cool and [...]

  • Soil Health

    Q: Why should we care if soil is healthy? Ruth: Healthy soil sustains our world’s food supply. When soil is healthy, the ecosystem within the soil has the optimum levels of structure, living organisms, nutrients [...]

  • Sustainability

    sus•tain•a•bil•i•ty (noun) Supplying a growing world with food, fuel, feed and fiber — while safeguarding its resources for future generations. Our world’s natural resources matter. The agriculture industry depends upon clean water, soil and [...]

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    Q: Is livestock destroying the atmosphere? Diane: When it comes to livestock emissions, the most common misconception I see is the idea that cattle are a major contributor to greenhouse gases and that [...]

  • Family vs. Corporate Farming

    Crystal raises cattle and crops with her family outside Columbus, Nebraska. What is the difference between family farming and corporate farming? Crystal: I think sometimes when people hear the term [...]

  • Antibiotics & Hormones

    All of us want to ensure the food we’re feeding our families is safe to eat. Occasionally, food labels increase confusion about the safety of substances such as added hormones and antibiotics. Let’s explore [...]

  • Grass vs. Grain-Fed Beef – What’s the Difference?

    What’s the difference between grass and grain-fed beef? Sharon: The difference between grass and grain-fed beef boils down to what the animals eat. For at least part of their lives, all cattle on our ranch [...]

  • Animal Health

    You deserve to know that your food is safe and that it has been raised humanely. Dairy farmer Melisa Konecky from Wahoo, Nebraska, and poultry producer Karah Perdue from York, Nebraska, address concerns about [...]

  • Animal Care

    Q: Should we be concerned about how animals are treated on the farm? Melisa: I love hearing that people care about the well-being and treatment of animals. Farmers, as a whole, have great respect for [...]

  • What to Know About the Labels on Your Food

    Q&A with CommonGround CommonGround is a national movement driven by farm women, whose mission is to share information about agriculture and how food is grown and raised. We caught up with CommonGround volunteer [...]

  • In All Kinds of Weather

    Matthew Brugger will never forget the day he realized that his family’s line of work is different. It was the morning of his grandfather’s funeral. A morning when it would have been perfectly [...]

  • Farm-to-Table Explained

    As our nation’s urban areas grow, consumers in the grocery store are increasingly separated from the producers who grow the meat, fruit and vegetables they buy there. While consumers are sometimes able to purchase food directly from the [...]

  • New Ideas on Old Dirt

    How two brothers are closing the gap between their farm and your table Brugger brothers Joe and Matthew were born to work together – perhaps just like their dad and uncle before them, [...]

  • Farmers are Partnering to Protect the Environment

    For farmers and ranchers, prioritizing sustainability extends far beyond their own land. That’s how a unique initiative called Farmers for Monarchs was born.  Farmers for Monarchs is a collaborative effort that includes farmers, ranchers, landowners, researchers, academic institutions, [...]

  • From the Ground Up

    All healthy crops have to start somewhere. To be more specific – the ground. But hearty, high yielding crops can’t just sprout in any patch of dirt. In fact, “dirt” is really just the stuff [...]

  • Old As Dirt

    Conservation-centered agricultural practices are restorative for ecosystems above and below the Earth’s surface – and this is nothing new! Keith Byerly is a field manager with the Soil Health Partnership (SHP) – [...]

  • The Untold Environmental Pros of Cow Poop

    You’ve surely seen the headlines. In recent years, the carbon footprint of livestock production has received a fair amount of criticism from environmentalists, journalists and even legislators. Some consumers have cited it as a [...]

  • Using and Conserving Water

    Irrigation is almost as old as farming is. As irrigation techniques advance, water conservation is the key to maintaining robust world food production.  The goal of water conservation is not rocket science: be precise and [...]

  • Fueling a Cleaner Future

    When you stop at the gas station to top off your tank, how much thought do you put in to choosing the fuel that’s right for your car? For your wallet? For the environment? [...]

  • Field to Market

    Agriculture’s environmental footprint affects all of us, but it’s an especially high priority for the men and women who live and work within the agricultural supply chain. In 2006, a diverse group including farmers, [...]

  • Golden Triangle

    Nebraska is better situated in terms of corn, livestock and ethanol than any other state in the nation. Together, these three components form “Nebraska’s Golden Triangle,” which serves as a powerful economic engine for [...]

  • Nebraska Grows Popcorn

    Popcorn has always been an important part of Norm Krug’s story. His father grew it for 40 years. To Norm, popcorn symbolizes quality time spent with family; gathered around an evening television program, enjoying [...]

  • Bioplastics

    The Problem Petroleum-based plastics are created using a man-made polymer called polyethylene terephthalate (or PET). Unlike other biodegradable materials such as food, or even newspapers, PET does not break down when exposed to the [...]

  • Improving Animals Through Genetic Innovation

    Breeding practices have been used for centuries to improve the usefulness of animals to humans—as sources of food, as a means of transportation, a way to get work done, or simply for companionship. “If [...]

  • Farmers Become Gamers in TAPS Competition

    It’s a unique combination of virtual farming and real life—with the winners claiming some very nice cash prizes. It’s called TAPS, Testing Ag Performance Solutions, an innovative competition created by Nebraska Extension that pits [...]

  • More choices at the pump: It’s a good thing.

    When you pull up to a flex fuel pump, there are a lot of options—and American Ethanol is responsible for providing most of them. The result is a wide range of choices—and a lot [...]

  • Ethanol Simplified

    Straight answers to key questions about Nebraska’s clean air fuel. Nebraska’s ethanol industry is a major economic driver for the state: • Nebraska is the nation’s second largest ethanol producer with 2.18 billion [...]

  • Ethanol Investment Creates C-Store Opportunity for Nelson Farm Family

    When Taylor Nelson of Jackson, Nebraska, graduated from UNL in 2012, the farm economy was on fire. Rents and land values were increasing at an unprecedented rate and farmers were snapping up every opportunity [...]

  • Why family farms choose to incorporate

    Many people are surprised to learn that 99% of farms in America are family-owned. That statistic flies in the face of those who believe that we’ve “lost” the traditional family farm to large “corporate farming.” [...]

  • How the farmer’s daughter became a farmer

    Sarah Greer has always had farming in her blood. “When I graduated from high school, people asked me what I wanted to do when I got out of college. I said I [...]

  • Water: The Lifeblood of Nebraska

    Aquamart: Positioning agriculture as a leader in water management Agriculture is the largest user of water not only in Nebraska, but around the globe. However, there are other stakeholders such as municipalities, recreation, wildlife, [...]

  • What is the Ogallala Aquifer?

    The facts behind Nebraska’s tremendous groundwater resources. What is an aquifer? An aquifer is an underground layer of permeable or “leaky” rock. The mixture of sediment and rock in these layers contains many holes [...]

  • Farmers or Villains?

    Nebraska farmers working with leading environmental group to improve water efficiency. Farmers and environmental groups are frequently at odds with each other and don’t always see eye to eye. But that is changing in [...]

  • Nebraska Corn Checkoff

    In 1978, the Nebraska Legislature established the Nebraska corn checkoff. In fact, it was the first corn checkoff in the nation to be approved. But it was corn farmers who led the charge. Forty [...]

  • Why Global Trade Is So Important for Agriculture

    That’s why trade matters to Nebraska’s ag economy. With the productivity of U.S. agriculture growing faster than domestic demand, U.S. farmers and agricultural firms rely heavily on export markets to sustain prices and revenues. [...]

  • Why most farmers don’t plow their fields

    Ever wonder why more and more farmers are leaving “trash” in their fields after harvest? Those cornstalks, corn cobs and leaves are called “residue”— and they are helping farmers improve soil quality and manage [...]

  • What makes a soil “healthy”?

    “The key to soil health is to strike the right balance between all of these components.” Soil health is defined as the continued capacity of a soil to function as a vital [...]

  • What happens when trade agreements are renegotiated?

    U.S. agricultural exports have been larger than U.S. agricultural imports since 1960, generating a surplus in U.S. agricultural trade. This surplus helps counter the persistent deficit in non-agricultural U.S. merchandise trade. At the same [...]