News Releases2024-03-25T10:21:37-05:00

News Releases

Nebraska corn farmers to invest nearly $2.7 billion to plant 10.5 million acres

Corn planting season has begun in Nebraska, and farmers are expected to invest nearly $2.7 billion into this year’s crop. Nebraska corn farmers will plant 10.5 million acres of corn in 2020 according to the latest Prospective Plantings report released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This is nearly a 4% increase from last year’s total [...]

April 23, 2020|

Nebraska Corn Board’s latest CornsTalk focused on ag sustainability arrives in time for Earth Day

The latest “CornsTalk” publication is entitled “Sustainability” is available now. To view this content, visit or email to request a printed copy. Residents across the state of Nebraska who subscribe to at least one local weekly or daily newspaper received something extra last week. The latest “CornsTalk” publication was distributed as an insert in all [...]

April 20, 2020|Tags: , , |

Nebraska Corn urges farmers to be prepared as the growing season approaches

Farming has always been an unpredictable business. Each year, factors like weather conditions, market price fluctuations and input prices can all lead to uncertainty. This year is shaping up to be no exception as the world grapples with COVID-19. This virus is particularly worrisome, as it spreads easily and symptoms can vary drastically, if infected. Nebraska farmers have always [...]

April 8, 2020|

Nebraska Corn Board partners with Lexington Ampride to offer higher ethanol blends

This blender pump is one of four new blender pumps motorists can now use when they visit Lexington Ampride (2700 Plum Creek Parkway). In addition to the standard 10% ethanol blend, flex fuel vehicle owners have the option to also choose E20, E30 and E85. Motorists living near or traveling through Lexington now have opportunities to refuel [...]

April 7, 2020|

Nebraska Corn Board cancels March board meeting in wake of Coronavirus concerns

The Nebraska Corn Board (NCB) has canceled its upcoming board meeting originally scheduled for March 24-25, 2020 in Lincoln. The decision was made following recent guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), President Trump and Gov. Ricketts to limit gatherings to 10 people or less to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

March 18, 2020|

Supporting Teachers and Youth Through Ag Education

One of the Nebraska Corn Board’s (NCB) four main pillars is education, and the board works to develop and implement educational programs with an impact. Over its 42-year history, NCB has helped people of all ages and backgrounds better understand the state’s corn industry. As fewer people are growing up and residing in rural areas, a larger gap exists [...]

February 27, 2020|

Nebraska Corn: EPA must get atrazine rule right

The Nebraska Corn Board and the Nebraska Corn Growers Association are urging farmers to submit comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as the Agency released its Preliminary Interim Decision (PID) regarding the herbicide atrazine. Atrazine is an effective weed control herbicide that was almost banned in 2016. In 2019, EPA pledged to use credible, scientific evidence and economic [...]

February 10, 2020|

Nebraska Corn Board Seeks Candidates for Vacancies

Notice is hereby given that the terms for three members of the Nebraska Corn Development, Utilization and Marketing Board will expire June 30, 2020, and Nebraska’s corn checkoff program is seeking candidates to petition for those districts. The open positions represent Districts 2, 3 and the board’s at large director. District 2 - Includes the counties of Adams, Clay, Fillmore, [...]

February 4, 2020|

Nebraska Corn Statement: USCMA Passes in Senate

With an overwhelming majority, USMCA passed through a Senate vote on Jan. 16, 2020. The future of Nebraska’s corn industry is bright following the Senate’s passage of the much-anticipated trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada. The Nebraska Corn Board (NCB) and the Nebraska Corn Growers Association (NeCGA) issued statements today regarding the approval of [...]

January 16, 2020|

Nebraska Corn Board partners with Casey’s to offer higher ethanol blends

On May 17, 2019, Nathaniel Doddridge, director of fuels at Casey’s (at podium), joined Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts and Kelly Brunkhorst, executive director of the Nebraska Corn Board and the Nebraska Corn Growers Association (right) in proclaiming the month of May as Renewable Fuels Month at a pump promotion event at Casey’s in Bennington. The location was one [...]

January 6, 2020|
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