Our Corn Education Programs

While Nebraska Corn engages with the industry and community as much as possible, providing our support to organizations with similar missions allows us to expand our reach. We work with some of the best advocacy groups and individuals both in the state and the nation as a whole, including industry professionals and congressional leaders. Continue below to learn more about the united goals of these partnerships.

D.C. Leadership Program

Each July, Nebraska Corn invites up to 10 young leaders to join our nation’s corn growers and congressional leaders during the National Corn Growers Association’s (NCGA) annual Corn Congress. The event takes place in Washington, D.C., and provides participants with the opportunity to advance their personal and professional leadership development and understanding of agricultural policy.

Find the application 2024 here. Applications are due May 10, 2024.

During the visit to our nation’s capital, meeting participants will attend:

  • NCGA’s Corn Congress where attendees will gain an understanding of policy development of a national association, along with hearing updates from various action teams, committees and staff.
  • NCGA’s Action Team/Committee Meetings that provide attendees greater discussion on issues such as ethanol, research and business development, transportation, production, stewardship, and biotech.
  • Capitol Hill Visits that provide attendees direct access to Nebraska’s congressional delegation where we outline our policy priorities.
  • Industry and Agency Visits with key staff who provide an update on issues of importance to agriculture.
  • Other meetings may include the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Embassy, U.S. Grains Council and other ag associations.

The program includes airfare, lodging, registration, transportation and most meals. Participants join leaders and staff from the Nebraska Corn Board in addition to the Nebraska Corn Growers Association during the multiday trip. The series of meetings, dinners and breaks will allow those chosen to interact with nearly 200 farmers from all across the U.S., agribusiness leaders from some of the leading agribusiness companies, and other leaders from various state college and leadership development programs.


In most households, women are the decision makers when it comes to food purchases. And more and more women are becoming interested – and in some cases, concerned – about what they are hearing about where their family’s food comes from and how it’s produced. Who better to talk with about these concerns than a fellow mom who helps produce that food?

That’s the focus of CommonGround, a national initiative in which volunteer farm women interact with urban women in grocery stores, food shows and other events across America. While many CommonGround conversations take place in large urban areas, these conversations are also taking place in communities across Nebraska.

This is where the Nebraska CommonGround volunteers come in. They, like their counterparts in other states, aim to have conversations with women in Nebraska and across the country who buy food. They answer questions and share facts, as well as their personal stories of farm life.

Nebraska Corn's Common Ground group in front of a combine

Consider Corn Challenge

The Consider Corn Challenge, a nationwide initiative of the National Corn Growers Association, invites innovators, entrepreneurs, scientists and academics to redefine the role of corn and explore the broad horizon of opportunity for corn as a feedstock for making sustainable chemicals.

Today’s sustainably produced, consistent supply of renewable corn makes it an optimal resource to drive research and accelerate society’s shift to a thriving bio-based community.

The Consider Corn Challenge is focused on projects that:

  • Use components of the corn kernel as primary feedstock.
  • Have a clear path for scale-up to commercial scale.
  • Enable a new market for corn.
    • Should not detract from an existing corn market.
    • Should lead to products with significant market demand.
  • Involve a team with experience taking a process or plan from lab scale to commercial scale.

Teacher Resources & Links

Kernels of Corn in Nebraska Youth Activity Book

The Nebraska Corn Board understands the importance of youth in agriculture. This activity book was created to assist in educating and promoting corn to the youngest generations. From planting to harvest to the items we use every day, youth will color their way through the Kernels of Corn in Nebraska book.

Agriculture in the Classroom

Nebraska Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) is a statewide program that helps K-12 students and teachers develop an awareness and understanding that agriculture is their source of life’s necessities. AITC has a long history of creating resources tied to state education standards to assist teachers in connecting their students to their source of food, fiber, and fuel – agriculture!

Agriculture in the Classroom® is a program supported by the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization. In Nebraska, the Agriculture in the Classroom program is managed by the Nebraska Farm Bureau Foundation, whose mission is to engage youth, educators, and the general public to promote an understanding of the vital importance of agriculture in the lives of all Nebraskans.

Nebraska Agriculture in the Classroom

  • Offers materials to encourage active learning with hands-on activities for youth.
  • Creates instructional materials aligned to Nebraska State Standards.
  • Equips teachers with free programs and resources to bring agriculture alive in the classroom.

Kernels of Knowledge

Kernels of Knowledge is a 4-H curriculum funded in part by the Nebraska Corn Board.
Unit 1 of 4-H curriculum, The Facilitator Guide, provides an explanation of four activities:

  1. Learning Activity One: Uses of Corn
  2. Learning Activity Two: Life Cycle of Corn
  3. Learning Activity Three: Building a Non-Newtonian Fluid
  4. Learning Activity Four: Refining Process of Corn Starch

Facilitator Guide
Youth Guide

Nebraska FFA group

Additional Resources


  • Educational resources and informative ag facts.

Ag in the Classroom Kid’s Zone

  • Includes projects and virtual tours from the national Ag in the Classroom.

Captain Cornelius … Corn Day Celebration

  • The Captain takes Bobby on the corny adventure of a lifetime.

Corn is aMAIZEing

  • Eight-page activity booklet.

There’s Corn in my Crayons

  • An adventure in eight coloring pages with puzzles.