Nebraska Celebrates Renewable Fuels Month This May

LINCOLN, Neb, – Renewable Fuels Month highlights the importance of renewable biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, especially for Nebraskans. The month of May usually marks the beginning of the summer driving season, making it an ideal time to fuel up on clean and cost-saving biofuels.

Both biodiesel and ethanol help to decrease America’s dependence on foreign oil, boost our nation’s economy, and support thousands of jobs in rural communities.

Ethanol is the third largest Nebraska agriculture commodity, and the use of a 10% blend saves Nebraskans $275 million per year. Nebraska is also the second largest producer of ethanol in the country.

Biodiesel adds 70 cents per bushel to the value of soybeans. Increased demand for soybean oil to make biodiesel also increases the supply of soybean meal, leading to lower animal feed prices paid by poultry and livestock farmers. Biodiesel can reduce lifecycle emissions by 86% compared to petroleum-based diesel fuel. Meanwhile, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, ethanol blends reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% compared to regular gasoline.

Owners of vehicles 2001 and newer can safely use blends of ethanol up to E15 (15% ethanol) and will often enjoy significant savings per gallon. Owners of flex fuel vehicles (FFVs) can use blends up to E85 and experience even greater savings. Heavy-duty diesel vehicles can also lower emissions by filling up with biodiesel blends of 20% (B20) or higher. Find locations near you at

Fueled by Nebraska, a partnership of Nebraska biofuels organizations, and the Nebraska Soybean Board, invite you to join them to celebrate renewable fuels in your classrooms, at work, and in your community this May. Learn more and find ethanol retail locations at

Important Renewable Fuels Month Dates

  • May 4: Gov. Jim Pillen will declare May as Renewable Fuels Month
  • May 8, 15, 22 and 29: Tune into our weekly Renewable Fuels Month segment on Pure Nebraska with Jon Vanderford. Watch 10/11’s Pure Nebraska live weekdays from 9-9:30 a.m. and Sundays at 7:30 a.m.
  • May 17: Renewable Fuels Month student contest deadlines

Fueled by Nebraska is a partnership of the Nebraska Ethanol Board, the Nebraska Corn Board, and Renewable Fuels Nebraska to ensure strong markets for biofuels.

The Nebraska Soybean Board collects and disburses the Nebraska share of funds generated by the one-half of one percent times the net sales price per bushel of soybeans sold. Nebraska soybean checkoff funds are invested in research, education, domestic and foreign markets, including new uses for soybeans and soybean products.


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