Aerial Shot of Ethanol Plant

As the nation’s second largest ethanol producer, Nebraska has 25 operational ethanol plants that employ thousands of people in the state.

The Nebraska Corn Board and the Nebraska Corn Growers Association today said legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives will boost long term corn demand for clean, affordable ethanol. The Next Generation Fuels Act recognizes the high octane, low carbon benefits of corn ethanol.

“The benefits of higher blends of ethanol are numerous and we have the potential to make our fuels even better,” said Dan Nerud, president of the Nebraska Corn Growers Association. “Ethanol is a natural octane booster. Low carbon, high octane ethanol blends result in additional fuel efficiency and they greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

The Next Generation Fuels Act establishes a new 98 Research Octane Number (RON) standard for gasoline and requires sources of additional octane result in at least 30% fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than unblended gasoline. This will ensure the progress already made to lower emissions through cleaner renewable fuels continues. Through advanced engine design features that take advantage of this new fuel, automakers will be able to increase engine performance and significantly improve vehicle fuel efficiency.

A new 98 RON would support mid-level blends like E25 (a 25% ethanol blend) and E30 (a 30% ethanol blend) which would generate new corn grind.

Due to its high-octane rating and other properties, ethanol is an efficient octane source. It is also the most cost-effective octane source, providing the greatest efficiency gains at the least cost to drivers while displacing the most harmful components of gasoline.

“The Next Generation Fuels Act is a step in the right direction in supporting our state’s corn farmers, but also providing clean-burning, high efficiency fuels for the American people,” said David Bruntz, chairman of the Nebraska Corn Board and farmer from Friend. “Ethanol greatly benefits consumers, our environment and our state. It’s time we remove regulatory barriers to enable the benefits of higher ethanol blends.”

The Next Generation Fuels Act is sponsored by Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill. Nebraska Corn looks forward to working with our representatives in Washington to continue to build support for policies that take greater advantage of ethanol’s benefits.

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) has provided more information on the benefits of high octane fuels and corn growers’ support for a low carbon octane standard at

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