The Nebraska Corn Board has extended its deadline for its District 3 Director, which includes Hamilton, Merrick, Polk and York counties.
The Nebraska Corn Board is seeking petitions for its District 3 Director, which includes Hamilton, Merrick, Polk and York counties. The position was reopened in an effort to seek candidates from the District and allow enough time to gather farmer signatures in the midst of COVID-19. Current director, Brandon Hunnicutt, farmer from Giltner, has indicated he will seek reappointment.
Appointment to the District 3 position will ultimately be made by the Governor of Nebraska. Any candidate for appointment may place his or her name on the candidacy list by filing a petition with the Nebraska Corn Board. Qualified candidates include those individuals who are citizens of Nebraska, are at least 21 years old, have been actively engaged in growing corn in the state for a minimum period of five years, and derive a substantial portion of their income from growing corn.
Petitions may be obtained by mail (Nebraska Corn Board – P.O. Box 95107, Lincoln NE 68509), by phone (800-632-6761) or email (nikki.bentzinger@nebraska.gov). A candidacy petition must carry the signatures of at least 50 corn producers from that district. All petitions must be received by the Nebraska Corn Board no later than 5:00 p.m. CDT on Thursday, July 16, 2020.