Note: This news release has been updated to indicate Jon Holzfaster, the current District 8 director, will not seek reappointment.

LINCOLN, Neb. – Notice is hereby given that the terms for three members of the Nebraska Corn Development, Utilization and Marketing Board will expire June 30, 2018.  The members represent Districts 6, 7, and 8.

District #6                 Includes the counties of Hayes, Frontier, Gosper, Phelps, Kearney, Hitchcock, Red Willow, Furnas, and Harlan (Note:  Dennis Gengenbach, the current District 6 director, has indicated that he will not pursue reappointment).

District #7                  Includes the counties of Boyd, Holt, Antelope, Garfield, Wheeler, Boone, Platte, Valley, Greeley, and Nance (Note: David Merrell, the current District 7 director, has indicated that he will pursue reappointment).

District #8                  Includes the counties of Sioux, Dawes, Box Butte, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Morrill, Cheyenne, Garden, Deuel, Cherry, Keya Paha, Brown, Rock, Grant, Hooker, Thomas, Blaine, Loup, Arthur, McPherson, Logan, Custer, Keith, Lincoln, Perkins, Chase, and Dundy (Note:  Jon Holzfaster, the current District 8 director, has indicated that he will not pursue reappointment).

Appointments to the board for Districts 6, 7 and 8 are made by the Governor.  Any candidate for appointment may place his or her name on the candidacy list by filing a petition with the Nebraska Corn Board.  Qualified candidates include those individuals who are citizens of Nebraska, are at least 21 years old, have been actively engaged in growing corn in Nebraska for a period of five years, and derive a substantial portion of their income from growing corn.  Board members who currently represent these districts are also eligible to re-petition.

Petitions may be obtained by writing the Nebraska Corn Board, P.O. Box 95107, Lincoln, NE 68509-5107 or by calling (800) 632-6761 or email  A candidacy petition must carry the signatures of at least 50 corn producers from that district.  All petitions must be received by the Corn Board no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 18, 2018.  Faxed copies do not qualify.



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