Abby Loesing – U.S Grains Council – Washington, D.C.
Intern Updates
June Update
It’s hard to believe that I am over a third of the way through my time with the U.S. Grains Council. Reflecting on my experiences and challenges that I have overcome over these past couple of weeks, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities granted thus far and eager to continue learning through this internship experience.
Making the 13-hour drive from my rural home in east central Missouri and adjusting to life in a big city has not been an easy feat. I don’t know if I will ever be quite accustomed to the different lights, sounds, and smells that the DC life brings. However, I am incredibly proud of myself for taking on the challenge of learning to effectively use the bus, metro, and even a scooter or two to explore the incredible city that is our nation’s capital.
My first couple of weeks at the U. S. Grains Council, I was introduced to each team and learned of their different roles and responsibilities and how they all work in unison to achieve the Council’s mission of developing markets, enabling trade, and improving lives. It’s incredible to see such a hard working and dedicated team work so diligently to achieve these goals. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet everyone, who have all been so welcoming, taking the time to say good morning, answer all my questions, and even invite me to lunch on the roof.
My internship allows me to work under the Industry Relations team at the Council. My specific projects revolve around assisting in the planning of the Council’s Board of Delegates meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah this July as well as the Global Export Exchange in Fort Worth, Texas this coming October. In addition to assisting with the planning of these events, a large part of my role consists in membership recruitment through various tasks. I have enjoyed getting to work closely with the team and supporting them through my role.
My first few weeks at the U.S. Grains Council have been nothing short of incredible and I’m sure that the rest of the summer is to be just as memorable. I’m looking forward to new experiences at the office, around the city, and meeting new people during the remainder of my time here. I feel incredibly grateful for this opportunity and am excited to share the rest of my adventure!
July Update
Summer is in full swing! As the temperature and humidity have continued to rise here in Washington D.C., I have been busy in the office (and air-conditioning) at the U.S. Grains Council.
My time has been filled with sourcing speaker gifts, designing stickers and socks, and getting to help with various agenda and sponsorship projects for the upcoming Board of Delegates meeting in July and Export Exchange in October. I have really enjoyed getting to have a behind-the-scenes look at the time and effort it takes to make these events happen. In addition to preparing for upcoming events, I have been able to assist the Industry Relations team on the membership front as well. This has included updating the SharePoint consultant list, creating a new member prospect list, drafting emails, updating the membership brochure, and diving into some new membership software.
I have really enjoyed my time at the U.S. Grains Council so far, taking advantage of every opportunity to learn something new. One of those opportunities has been attending Lunch & Learn events hosted by various agriculture organizations through the D.C. Ag Intern Network. These events have allowed me to make great connections not only with other interns, but with industry professionals as well. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to meet these individuals while learning about current policy issues, pressing topics in agriculture, and the function of different organizations within the agricultural industry.
It’s hard to believe my final few weeks in Washington D.C. are already here. My calendar is looking very full, and I know they are going to fly! I am soaking up every moment with the U.S. Grains Council as we get ready to close out an incredibly impactful summer.
Final Update
Wow. It has truly been a whirlwind of a summer. I have officially wrapped up my internship with the U.S. Grains Council and am taking the time to reflect on some of the amazing opportunities and experiences I had.
My final weeks at the Council were packed full with Lunch & Learn events, meetings, Corn Congress, and finishing up some of the projects I worked on this summer. I am truly grateful for my time at the Council. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to spend a summer with such phenomenal people who were always willing to answer questions or lend a helping hand, and always worked to make me feel valued and included.
This summer was truly one of self-growth. I am proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone, moving away to a big city, and trying something new. While it may have been scary at times, I will never look back and regret the experience because of the people I’ve met, things I’ve learned, and experiences I’ve had.
It will never cease to amaze me just how incredible the agriculture industry truly is. While we all come from different backgrounds, different places, and with different interests, we all have one thing in common. This summer was eye opening and exposed me to a new side of the industry that I had not yet seen. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn about the rich history of our nation and see firsthand how the agriculture industry connects us all together.