Nebraska Corn Board – Our Goals and Partners

Nebraska Corn’s Vision: Enhance Demand, Add Value and Ensure Sustainability.

Nebraska Corn Board Mission: Increasing the value and sustainability of Nebraska corn through promotion, market development and research.

The Nebraska Corn Board has made great strides toward achieving these goals. The success of Nebraska Corn Board is thanks to our passionate board members, staff and partner organizations. But to further improve public perception and realize our other goals, more work is needed. Nebraska Corn Board is proud to explore every possible avenue for supporting corn growers and researching new corn products.

Our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

As we continue to promote these values, we look back to the strategic plan laid out as our foundation for the last several years of effort. Feel free to read through the plan for a better understanding of how our goals from 2022 through the remainder of 2027 were structured.

A barn and grain bin sitting behind a corn field
Combine harvesting corn


The corn checkoff investment program gives Nebraska Corn the resources it needs to develop and enact new programs for the benefit of research, education and market development. Find out more about how the checkoff funds valuable work for our industry.


Nebraska Corn’s Board members are responsible for administering and investing the corn checkoff funds. Meet our nine board members to learn more about their experience and other pursuits.

hat and gloves siting on corn kernels
Irrigation system over a corn field


The support of NeCGA is valuable to the promotion of Nebraska-grown corn, but we can’t do it alone. We partner with a number of cooperating organizations, offering funds for their help advancing the interests of our farmers and their customers.


Our permanent staff assists with the administration of checkoff funds, the coordination of market development projects and every task vital for day-to-day efficiency. Meet our small, yet hardworking team supporting Nebraska Corn.

Nebraska Corn Board staff photo
Picture of Nebraska Corn board employees


Interested in joining Nebraska Corn? Check our open positions and apply today!