CORN 101

Farmer walking away from grain bins

Growing Corn

Corn growing has a long, rich history in the state of Nebraska, and this tradition continues to influence the future of family farming. You’ll learn more about how we look to the past to plan best for our future.

Corn Uses

Corn is an important ingredient in modern manufacturing and global agricultural trade. You’ll learn more about how the diverse uses of corn benefits Nebraska’s economy and local communities.

Combine harvesting corn and transferring corn into a grain cart pulled by a tractor
Famer inspecting an irrigation channel for a corn field

Corn Innovation

Corn’s versatility is a gift, one we benefit from most when we also innovate more efficient and sustainable ways to care for the earth that grows it. Learn more about how corn and the farming practices we use continue to evolve.

Tractor driving in a corn field

Nebraska’s Corn Vision

Nebraska’s Corn Vision Strategic Plan is a multi-year plan setting out priorities and goals. This strategic plan is the combined efforts of the Nebraska Corn Board (NCB) and Nebraska Corn Growers Association (NeCGA), which at times operate independently based on some portions of their missions and cooperatively on others.